There is no end of people in the world today who want to be converted; but they feel that it is beyond them to be as happy in the Lord as they want to be. They would give anything if they could be at peace with God, and possess in their hearts the love for other people that they feel it is their duty to have.
The burden of d-u-t-y lies heavy on their hearts; they go to sleep at night with deep fear just beneath the surface, and wake up next morning with the same burden there.
The church should come to their aid immediately; but too often the church does not understand what they need—a knowledge of the New Covenant.
One hundred twenty years ago the dear Lord “in His great mercy” sent a “most precious message” that contained the liberating New Covenant truths.
If you b-e-l-i-e-v-e in Jesus, ... that is, if your heart has understood the truth about Him—that the death He died on His cross was not just a week-end of sleep, ... but that He died your second death, you can begin to comprehend the breadth, and depth, and length, and height of His love (agape) as you never saw it before (cf. Eph. 3:18, 19).
Jesus was probably very tired when they nailed Him to His cross; the Ladies Aid Society of Jerusalem would usually offer crucified victims a sponge soaked with narcotics; and they offered it to Jesus.
But He turned His head and refused to drink it (Luke 23:36; Matt. 27:34); He must keep His mind clear to endure the pain of His Father’s rejection of Him; He must endure the curse that sin brings in the end. Isaiah says, “He hath poured out His soul unto death” (53:12).
Read that whole chapter, on your knees, slowly, alone; then thank Him, that He took your second death and died it for you.
Then thank Him again, ... and again. You will never be the same.
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