Robert J. Wieland
Our Savior “condemned sin in the flesh,” the fallen, sinful flesh that all of us have inherited from our fallen father, Adam. In so doing, Christ has saved the human race!
He forever outlawed sin in the vast universe of God by defeating it in its last lair. Sin has no “home,” no refuge now, in the vast universe of God!
Sin does not reside in things; it resides in human hearts. Satan as the fallen Lucifer had tempted the other worlds to join him in rebellion, but they refused. (Temptation is not sin; what’s sin, is giving in.) Only our first parents, Adam and Eve, believed the fallen Lucifer’s lies against God.
No way could Christ have defeated sin if the dogma of the “Immaculate Conception” were true: if in His incarnation Christ had taken upon Himself the unfallen, sinless nature of Adam in the Garden, sin would have been forever enshrined and crowned in our human flesh and then Satan would have forever won the great controversy between Christ and Satan.
Doubtless there are many sincere people who have never thought this through; they don’t realize that their dogma proclaimed in 1854, and required of all to believe. is a stroke of victory in favor of the enemy in the great controversy.
In mercy to the remnant church (and the world), “the Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people” 120 years ago that told the saving truth in a clear way so simple that a child could understand. Christ took on His sinless nature our fallen, sinful nature, so that He might save the human race from sin. “Tempted in all points like as we are [tempted], yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15), He has delivered the whole human race from captivity to sin.
Most do not understand it, or believe it; but nonetheless it is true.
And the Lord has promised in Revelation 18:1-4 that the full beautiful truth will yet “lighten the earth with glory.” He wanted the Seventh-day Adventist Church to enjoy that glorious experience 120 years ago, but the grey-haired elders said No! (not 100% of them, but the vast majority so that the blessing was indeed “kept away” from our people and “from the world”; cf. Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 234, 235).
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