I’m not really following this beauty contest but I was shock to read this on Yahoo news that the Californian beauty queen Miss Carrie Prejean supposed to take the Miss Universe crown home but lost for saying the right thing. What shocked me most is not because the most deserving contestant was not able to take the crown home, but how corrupt, dirty, wicked and immoral America is!!!!!
I was reminded how God destroyed by fire the filthy Sodom and Gomorrah. Then I remember what I have read about an article some time ago about some states in the USA that start legalizing gay-marriage. The wickedness of the State leaders is so unimaginable to me to support this so immoral act. They gave license to SIN. Shocking!!!!! Let me share to you my personal observation;
America has the best printing press that print Bible but their Bibles don't give them light.
America has produced the most brilliant Bible scholars but they are not able to make America moral.
America has mentally sharp court judges but they are not wise enough to lead people to choose the right.
America is known to have spiritualy strong judges but they don't help inspire people to stand for the right.
America has smart and best compitition judges, but they don't know how to choose. America has big churches with crowd of worshipers but God is not there.
America has great and well-educated pastors but they tolerate people to sin.
America has the best communication facilities but they cannot make people one.
America has all the freedom but it cannot let them free from the jail of wickedness.
America is able to win any big war far abroad but it couldn't win victory over its own small war inside.
America is able to change the world but it cannot change its own. These make America Amazing!!!!!!
Back to the story, I could point out that the homosexual judge of the contest was so bias in judging since he had his agenda ready. That means if a contestant disagrees with (him or her?) definitely lost the crown. When the homosexual judge Perez Hilton asked how she felt about legalizing gay marriage. Miss Carrie replied, "In my country, and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," she replied. “Her answer revealed that she has pure heart and godly innocence, but she lost the earthly crown because of that!!!!!!! Interesting …..
The judge has already been compromising. We don’t have to let other compromise their principles to heal the divide. What divides us is the SIN… No other. He believes that inviting others to sin (to continue his sexual perversion or support) can heal the divide like he is doing. When she was interviewed in a show she said “It did cost me my crown, "“I wouldn't have had it any other way. I said what I feel. I stated an opinion that was true to myself and that's all I can do.” "It is a very touchy subject and [Hilton] is a homosexual and I see where he was coming from and I see the audience would've wanted me to be more politically correct," she added. "But I was raised in a way that you can never compromise your beliefs and your opinions for anything." "My beliefs have nothing to do with my sister or my mom, or whatever." Thanks to the Christian up-bringing at her home that helps her not to gave up her heavenly crown. Truly, I was very sad with the Yahoo article that had cause me to write this. America is supposed to be a Christian country. If the heart of Americans is open to the voice of God then gay marriage does not deserve any right they have been asking.
The true way to heal the divide is to go back to the Bible principles. God gives us right not as a license to sin. There have been many calamities happening in the USA. Yes, God is pouring his judgment to America....America, repent and be converted. Jesus is coming very very soon. Miss Carrie Prejean may not have been crowned Miss USA but she has a heavenly crown God has prepared where righteous people and billions of angels are her audience. Yes, she is right when she said, "I feel like I won. I feel like I'm the winner. I really do," …..
Let me end up this article with a reminder from my favorite American author;
“The greatest want of the world is the want of men-- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. “ Mrs. Ellen G. White, Education p.57
I call Miss Carrie as the shining light of America. America’s morals, integrity and values are declining. Today we need many more Carrie. A woman whose principles cannot be bought or sold. A woman who is true and honest. Who does not fear to call sin on its right name.Wake up America! You have been rejecting God's blessings. Don't give up your heavenly crown. You are supposed to be a MODEL. I'm praying for you AMERICA....
A message from a Filipino to America...
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